A lot of people think of metal roofing as expensive, and certainly that can be the case. It's also about the best performance roof covering money can buy, so like everything else it's true that in the case of roofing materials you get what you pay for. However there are projects like this one where some of the features of the best of the metal roof profiles just aren't required - or even desired. This client was seeking a metal roof for the sake of appearance and performance to replace the old wood shakes. But they wanted to keep the old farmhouse look and use a material that wouldn't look too sophisticated or slick. We have just what they needed - amazing coincidence or what?
What the client choose was our value panel in finished steel. Our value panel has many of the features of our better standing seam panels, but is a lot less money. It's still very corrosion resistant Zincalume steel with and excellent color finish, but it doesn't have the intricate profile and details of the higher-end products. This "low tech" look was exactly what the client wanted - something that looked appropriate to an old, low tech farm house and garage. It worked a treat.
The contractor and the client are happy, and the job looks great! What a huge upgrade over the old wood shakes...definitely an economical way to take advantage of the benefits of metal roofing. It's low priced metal roofing and it's truly transformed this lovely home in California.
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